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Writer's picturePetra Hadžidaova


I lift up my eyes to the mountains—

    where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord,

    the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalms 121: 1-2 (NIV)

Ezer in Hebrew letters
Ezer in Hebrew letters (1)


My Ezer, my help, my helper. David knew Abba as His helper who kept and saved him. He knew Him by the name Ezer. A Hebrew term describing one who comes to assist in dire circumstances. One who saves at the end of the day. There is but one - our God Yahweh.


God is known by many different names. To Abraham, He revealed Himself as the Provider, to King David as His refuge, and Shepherd. To Hannah as her Vindicator and the list can go on. 

Among these expressions and names is none other than Helper, help, or rather even better succor. Our Lord is Our Ezer. 

The Hebrew word ezer is always used to describe God with one exception. It is first used in connection to Eve when she is mentioned as an ezer kenegdo. 

Ezer describes one who offers “assistance or support in times of hardship and distress” and “help given to people who are suffering or in difficulties.” as described by Sarah J O’Connor in her article To Help or Not to Help, that is Not the Question: Gen. 2:18, Woman as Man’s “Helper,” and Issues in Translation. (2)

So we could say the word represents a savior. We could go as far as to say a “lifesaver”. He comes to our aid when we are in desperate situations. He delivers us as He did Moses and the Israelites. He makes a way even where there seems to be no way. 

And He is the only one who can truly help at the end of the day. The only one who can save. Our ultimate EZER.

Yeshua is

Our HELP, our EZER!


Sarah J O’Connor mentions in her article that we women are to be ezers to our husbands. Not just helpers in the simplest terms, but a lifesaver, someone who helps in times of distress. Someone on equal footing I would say. 

Also, I will add one more thing on this matter. Yeshua came to release us from the curse that was spoken over us in Eden. That means that we do not need to toil over the land and see no fruit, and also it means that women are no longer subjected to men. In the beginning, they were on equal footing with men. It is time we rise and become ezers to our husbands. 


By many names, our Abba goes by. Ezer happens to be one of them. This Hebrew term describes a savior, helper, or lifesaver. One who assists in times of distress and hardship. One who comes to the rescue. And who can really save? None else but our Abba. The word was first used in connection to Eve, a true equal and helper to Adam. 


Let the Lord reveal to you throughout the week all the ways He has been a helper to you in the past seasons and write them down.


  1. Image created via

  2. Sarah J. O'Connor. To Help or Not to Help, that is Not the Question: Gen. 2:18, Woman as Man’s “Helper,” and Issues in Translation. September 11, 2020. Available on

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