The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up*.
Matthew 4: 16 (KJV)
They say that life is a journey. Walking with the Lord is not much different. As a train ride, it starts slowly and then picks up momentum. It is full of twists and turns, and even storms. Yahweh never promised a life of no struggle. He did promise He would be at our side in the storms though. While being surrounded by pitch darkness, it may feel as though our eyes will never see the light of day again. Yet, if we look towards the Lord, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Life is like a journey. Like a train ride, it starts slowly and then builds up on momentum. Once it settles into a steady rhythm it is full of twists and turns. One day it leads us right, the next day we take a left turn.
So long as the ride is smooth, we are enjoying it and we are at peace. But life is not all about peaches and roses. Yahweh never promised us an easy life, He promised us a victorious one. He promised that even when storms come, we will stand firm and not crumble. Just like the house built on the Rock (Matthew 7: 24-29).
It is difficult to remember that though when the train enters the tunnel. Pitch darkness surrounds us and for a short time, we do not see the light of day. If we knew not that the tunnel would eventually end, we would be tempted to get off the train and return.
That is how it can get in life. When storms and challenges come, it may seem like it will last forever. That Yahweh will not turn up with our victory. And the longer the tunnel appears, the more likely it becomes that panic and doubt may set in. We may start to believe all is lost. If that does take place we may get tempted to get off the “train” and return from whence we came. Return to old ways and old things.
But if we turn our eyes to Yahweh, to Yeshua, stop, and take a moment, at the end of the tunnel a light our eyes will start to see. He is the light at the end of the tunnel. The One who leads us to the finish line. The One who brings us hope when all is lost. Who gives instruction, encouragement, and strength to keep going on. And He will bring us back into the light of day. For He promised the storms would not last forever. He promised reward would come our way if faithfully we keep going on and obey.
Walking with the Lord is like a train ride. It is full of twists and turns. For the most part, it usually goes smoothly, but then there are seasons where we find ourselves in the tunnel and darkness surrounds us. With no light to help us see, doubt can creep in quickly. And then tempting it may seem to quit, turn around, and go back. But if we look to Yahweh, we will see a light amidst the dark. We will see a light at the end of the tunnel. For Yeshua is:
Thank You, Father, for being my light. The light amidst the darkness. Thank you for the hope You bring when my eyes see Your light at the end of the tunnel.
Image by ©cattalin (pixabay) via